Sutherland Shire Podcast Station
ShireWalks is a foundational series of the history within the geographical boundaries of the Sutherland Shire. From the Royal National Park to the Shores of Botany Bay, Shire Walks has created an online audio podcast for the local residents and visitors. As the Birthplace of Australia, Sutherland Shire has many historical ties to the first fleet, yet it is our indigenous culture and people whom contributed to the developments within our community that make it a very interesting place to live, work and tour. Each episode is an actual walk around one of the suburbs, showcasing historical landmarks, interviews with local business owners and residents and explanations about the infrastructure development. Timed for the actual walk you will have a personal guide with directions and fun facts. Curated by local Historian Student Tess Dowell, the Sutherland Shire is not only a desirable location to live, but a stunning area to stay. From the sandy beach of Cronulla to the riverside suburbs of Menai we'll keep you active and connect you to our local areas. Not only will we educate you about the history of the Shire, we'll keep you informed about what's going on now.